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Reference website (pinyin)

Basic Chinese Course

  • Instructor: Charlotte Chen
  • Material: Practical Audio-Visual Chinese 2nd edition
  • Time: 17:30--19:10, (Every Tuesday) (8 weeks course; starting from March 2009)
  • Location: A4202 Meeting Room (4F, Administration Building, NHRI Zhunan Campus)
  • Minimum students: 8
  • Participants:
    The beginning level participant who wants to learn practical, everyday Mandarin
  • Aims:
    1. Write basic traditional Chinese characters
    2. Understand basic grammar structures
    3. Understand commonly used words, phrases, and conversations
    4. Master quickly a fundamental level of Mandarin
  • Contents:
    1. Pronunciation: Pinyin, Tones and Rules
    2. Basic words and phrase for daily life
    3. Basic grammar structures
  • Methods:
    1. Oral practice of listening and speaking
    2. Listening comprehensive
    3. Dialogue practice
  • About the teacher:
    • Instructor: Charlotte Chen
    • MSPH (Biostatistics, Tulane University)
    • BA (Library Sciences, National Taiwan University)
    • Five years of Mandarin teaching experience (Can instruct in English and Japanese)

Fees for Basic Chinese Course

- Tuition Fee: NT$1,000 for 8 weeks
- Material Fee per course: Student Book: NT$580, Student's workbook: NT$110 ;
- Membership Annual Fee: NT$100 (Kindly pay the fees according to the following payment method. Material will be dispatched at the first class of each course).

Join us now:

- Fill up the Registration Form (WORD file / PDF file) and fax to 037-587-402.

Home | contact: Jenny Chen jchen@nhri.org.tw